Mario Aguilar, School of Divinity
Sarah Arens , School of Modern Languages (French)
Emma Bond,School of Modern Languages (Italian and Comparative Literature)
Gavin Bowd, School of Modern Languages (French)
Karen Brown, School of Art History
Olga Burkhardt-Vetter, School of International Relations
Brigid Lynch, School of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Victoria Donovan, School of Modern Languages (Russian)
Derek Duncan, School of Modern Languages (Italian)
Emily Finer, School of Modern Languages (Russian and Comparative Literature)
Kate Fredricks,
Nicki Hitchcott, School of Modern Languages (French)
Elise Hugueny-Leger, School of Modern Languages (French)
Dina Iordanova, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies
Karunika Kardak, School of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Colette Lawson, School of Modern Languages (German and Comparative Literature)
Carlos Machado, School of Classics
Andrew Marin, School of Divinity
Kieran McConaghy, School of International Relations
Laura Mills, School of International Relations
Laura Muetzelfeldt, School of English
Jeffrey Murer, School of International Relations
Catherine O’Leary, School of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Jennifer O’Meara, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies (Film Studies)
Natthanai Prasannam, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies (Film Studies)
Anindya Raychaudhuri, School of English
Rossella Riccobono, School of Modern Languages (Italian)
Gustavo San Roman,School of Modern Languages (Spanish)
Sanghita Sen, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies (Film Studies)
Gabriel Sewell, Library (Special Collections)
Amber Shields, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies (Film Studies)
Rebecca Sweetman, School of Classics
Leshu Torchin, School of Anthropological, Philosophical and Film Studies
Alexa Winik, School of English
Jorge Sarasola, Spanish, School of Modern Languages
Darya Tsymbalyuk, Russian, School of Modern Languages
Giulia Borrini, Italian, School of Modern Languages
Sohni Chakrabarti, School of English
James Gregg, Russian, School of Modern Languages
Sam Osborn, German, School of Modern Languages.
Leyla Sayfutdinova, Social Anthropology.
Nicola Simonetti, Italian, School of Modern Languages.
Alejandro Adame Basilio, Spanish, School of Modern Languages
Alice Hagopian, School of Modern Languages
Antonio Montañés Jiménez, Social Anthropology
Catherine MacKenzie, School of Modern Languages
Marialaura Grandolfo, Comparative Literature, School of Modern Languages
Zehra Kasmi, School of English
Associate members
Luisa Kelly Gandolfo, University of Aberdeen
Sandra Huebenthal, Universität Passau
Csilla Kiss, [email protected]
Lizzie Stewart, Kings College London
Emily Spiers, University of Lancaster