- Wednesday 16 November, 1-2 pm, HYBRID (Buchanan 216, online on Microsoft Teams)
Our next interdisciplinary reading group will focus on translation and activism. We warmly welcome participation from staff, postgraduate students, and Honours students interested in these topics from any disciplinary background.
We will be reading the introduction to Maria Tymoczko’s influential edited volume Translation, Resistance, Activism (2010), entitled “Translation, Resistance, Activism: An Overview” (pp. 1-22).
The E-book is available through the library here. If you struggle to access the text or have any question, feel free to email Clara Défachel at [email protected].
As secondary readings, we suggest:
- Mona Baker’s entry for “Activism” in the AHRC Translating Cultures Glossary, accessible online here: https://www.monabaker.org/2020/04/22/activism
- For a decolonial take on literary translation and activism: Ruth Bush’s chapter ‘Translation is not a Metaphor’ in Translation Imperatives: African Literature and the Labour of Translators, accessible online through the library: https://www-cambridge-org.ezproxy.st-andrews.ac.uk/core/elements/translation-imperatives/4F7D4F29E33539B940A952011900FFBA